
Alison Szalwinski
The Asia Group

Strategic Asia Program

The Strategic Asia Program aims to strengthen and inform strategic and policy decisions by providing innovative research on challenges and opportunities for U.S. national interests in the Asia-Pacific region.

The Strategic Asia Program:

  • Offers an authoritative assessment of Asia’s evolving strategic environment
  • Looks forward five years, and in some cases beyond, to contemplate the future of the region
  • Maintains a record of data and analysis on trends in Asia’s changing strategic landscape

Guided by Research Director Ashley J. Tellis (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace), this major ongoing research initiative publishes an annual edited volume, executive brief, and special reports.

The Strategic Asia Program serves as the umbrella for private, tailored briefings for a broad range of U.S. government agencies and policymakers, as well as for leaders of the private sector—including several Fortune 500 companies. Topics cover a broad range of economic, political, security, energy, demographic, and other issues vital to understanding dynamics within the Asia-Pacific. For details on these briefings, please contact the Strategic Asia Team.