Anniversary Reception in Honor of the House U.S.-China Working Group
On July 30, 2008, NBR and the U.S.-China Business Council recognized the U.S.-China Working Group members and founding co-chairs Mark Kirk (R-IL) and Rick Larsen (D-WA) for advancing congressional involvement in the U.S.-China relationship. At this third-year anniversary reception, Ambassador Alan Holmer, special envoy for China and the Strategic Economic Dialogue, and Chinese Ambassador Wenzhong Zhou lauded the value the USCWG brings to Washington’s understanding of China and the benefits of deepening bilateral cooperation. Congressmen Kirk and Larsen spoke on the importance both of China to the United States and of having a forum to better understand that relationship. NBR president and chair of the USCWG Academic Advisory Group Richard Ellings commented on the growth of the working group, which now boasts over 60 members.