
Clara Gillispie
The National Bureau of Asian Research

Technical Standards and Innovation in China

Public Policy and the Role of Stakeholders

On October 29, 2007, The National Bureau of Asian Research and Tsinghua University convened more than seventy international leaders from academe, business, and policy for an invitation-only conference “Technical Standards and Innovation in China: Public Policy and the Role of Stakeholders,” held in Beijing, China. This full-day event brought together senior experts from across the globe to explore stakeholder influence in public policy development and the effects of standards policy on innovation. Participants examined these issues through the lens of three case studies: home networking, mobile media, and radio frequency identification (RFID) standards.

Following the conference, NBR briefed members of the Information Technology Industry Council Standardization Policy Committee on key workshop findings in January 2008. Drawing on these findings and subsequent research, NBR published the report “Standards, Stakeholders, and Innovation: China’s Evolving Role in the Global Knowledge Economy” by project specialists Scott Kennedy (Indiana University), Richard P. Suttmeier (University of Oregon), and Su Jun (Tsinghua University). The project team also briefed senior business leaders and policymakers in Washington, D.C. and Beijing.

Topics addressed included:

  • China’s desire to move from being a “standards taker” to being a “standards maker”
  • Increases in Chinese companies’ R&D investments, participation in standards alliances in China, and efforts to engage in international standards-setting processes
  • >The complex relationship between standards and innovation, and the differing interests of diverse stakeholders policies
  • The varying levels of government involvement in the standards-setting process

Agenda and Atendees

Agenda | Attendee List

Featured Speakers and Participants

Eric Altbach, The National Bureau of Asian Research

Baisheng An, Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China

Mike Clendenin, Independent Consultant

Yun Cui, Qualcomm

Michael Ding, IGRS Alliance

Margot Dor, European Telecommunications Standards Institute

Baichuan Du, State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television

William Foster, Foster & Brahm

Ziqiang Hou, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Fusheng Ji, Tsinghua University

Scott Kennedy, University of Indiana

Mark Lewis, U.S. Embassy, Beijing

Amy Marasco, Microsoft Corporation

Gregory T. Shea, U.S. Information Technology Office

Neeraj Srivastava, Dell Inc.

K.K. Suen, EPC Global

Richard P. Suttmeier, University of Oregon

Kenneth Wacks, International Organization for Standardization

Gang Wang, Haier

Wenfeng Wang, China Electronics Standardization Institute

Youqiang Wang, Tsinghua University

Ouyang Wu, State Council Information Office

Chaoying Xu, Beijing Dalang Telecom Company, Ltd.

Edward Yu, Analysis International

Tom Zhang, Innofidel

Chaoyi Zhao, China National Institute of Standardization

Tong Zhu, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Klaus Ziegler, EU Delegation