Metropolitan Diplomacy

How Cities Are Affecting Foreign Policy

The Slade Gorton Policy Center hosted a roundtable discussion on how cities are becoming increasingly influential in the development of foreign policy and international trade with special guests Bill Bryant, Sam Kaplan, and Eric Schinfeld. The event was planned and organized by the students of the Gorton Center’s Global Leaders Program and attended by elected officials, congressional staff, business and nonprofit executives, students, and professors.



    Hon. Bill Bryant, Commissioner, Port of Seattle

    Sam Kaplan, President, Trade Development Alliance

    Eric Schinfeld, President, Washington Council on International Trade


    Slade Gorton, Former United States Senator, Washington

Speaker Bios

Bill Bryant is a Port of Seattle Commissioner, a position he was first elected to in 2007. He is also founder of Bryant Christie Inc., a company that works to eliminate foreign trade barriers, develops new international markets.

Sam Kaplan is the President of the Trade Development Alliance of Greater Seattle. Previously, Sam worked as a legislative assistant handling foreign affairs and trade issues for now retired U.S. Representative John Miller.

Eric Schinfeld is the President of the Washington Council on International Trade (WCIT). He leads WCIT’s advocacy and outreach efforts on trade policy issues that benefit Washington employers and increase our state’s international competitiveness.