What types of employment opportunities does NBR offer?
NBR offers temporary positions, including internships, fellowships, and research assistant positions, as well as permanent positions.
What internship and fellowship programs does NBR have?
NBR provides exceptional internship and fellowship opportunities.
How do I apply for a position at NBR?
View immediate openings here: https://ats.rippling.com/nbr/jobs.
How do I know the status of my application?
Applicants will be contacted if they are invited for interview. All other applicants will receive regrets by email.
What kind of references are required?
Select current or former supervisors who can speak to your abilities, skills, and qualifications of the job you are applying for. If you are a student or recent graduate, it is acceptable to include academic references such as professors.
If a writing sample is required, what is NBR looking for?
- The writing sample must be a piece that has not undergone external editing, such as a paper for school or a draft of a published piece.
- A good length is 2-5 pages. If you want to send a sample of a longer piece, select a 2-5 page section and introduce it with a paragraph that puts the selection into context.
- Choose a writing sample related to NBR’s mission and/or research agenda, if possible.
- If it was a collaborative piece, make sure you state so and indicate which part was your responsibility.
What are the benefits for which NBR employees are eligible?
NBR offers a competitive benefits package, including medical, dental, vision, 401(k), paid time off, and commute benefits to eligible employees.
Does NBR sponsor visas for employment?