
Roy D. Kamphausen
Special Advisor to the President and Senior Fellow for Chinese Security
[email protected]

Admiral Greenert Gives Keynote Remarks at NBR’s Energy Security Workshop

On June 7, 2017, Admiral Jonathan Greenert, the 30th Chief of Naval Operations and current holder of the John M. Shalikashvili Chair in National Security Studies, presented keynote remarks at NBR’s thirteenth annual Energy Security Program workshop. This year’s workshop gathered over 60 senior industry, research, and policy experts to examine how China’s “Belt and Road” initiative could reshape energy markets and impact energy geopolitics. Admiral Greenert focused his keynote remarks on the need to strengthen maritime security in the Indo-Pacific in order to ensure open sea lines of communication and greater regional energy security.

About the Shali Chair

NBR endowed the John M. Shalikashvili Chair in National Security Studies in April 2006 to honor General Shalikashvili for his 39 years of military service to our nation that culminated in his role as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, for his leadership on the NBR Board of Directors, and for his role as Senior Advisor to NBR’s Strategic Asia Program. The Chair provides a platform for a distinguished practitioner in the national security field to inform, strengthen, and shape the understanding of U.S. policymakers on critical current and long-term national security issues related to the Asia-Pacific. Learn more.