Clean EDGE Asia Workshop

Climate and Energy Security: Intersections in Developing Asia

As Asian governments seek to achieve a clean energy transition as part of their decarbonization goals, barriers remain around regional coordination and international finance mechanisms to support the process. Renewable energy sources such as hydrogen have great potential for widescale implementation to reduce emissions in countries like South and Southeast Asia but developing supply chains for hydrogen production and transportation pose significant challenges. Both South and Southeast Asia have booming economies that would benefit greatly from increased jobs and investments that will increase renewable energy capacity within its energy mix, especially as countries continue to grapple with the energy crisis following the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

At a workshop in Washington, D.C., on July 18, 2023, NBR’s Clean EDGE Asia Fellows hailing from South and Southeast Asia shared perspectives on how the United States can partner with its allies in those two regions to accelerate the global transition to clean energy systems.


Download the agenda here.

Featured Speakers

Clara Gillispie, The National Bureau of Asian Research

Mikkal Herberg, The National Bureau of Asian Research; University of California, San Diego

Ashley Johnson, Office of International Affairs, U.S. Department of Energy

Thomas Lutken, The National Bureau of Asian Research

Thi Ngoan Nghiem, GIZ, Vietnam

Le Nguyen, US-ASEAN Business Council

Tuyen Duc Nguyen, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam

Anna Shpitsberg, Bureau of Energy Resources, U.S. Department of State

Alison Szalwinski, The National Bureau of Asian Research

Rahul Tongia, Centre for Social and Economic Progress

Anna Shpitsberg

Anna Shpitsberg (Bureau of Energy Resources, U.S. Department of State)

Asia EDGE fellows

Clara Gillispie, (The National Bureau of Asian Research), Tuyen Duc Nguyen (Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam), Thi Ngoan Nghiem (GIZ, Vietnam), and Le Nguyen, US-ASEAN Business Council

Mikkal Herberg, Rahul Tongia, Ashley Johnson

Mikkal Herberg (The National Bureau of Asian Research; University of California, San Diego), Rahul Tongia (Centre for Social and Economic Progress), and Ashley Johnson (Office of International Affairs, U.S. Department of Energy)

NBR’s project on Clean EDGE Asia is made possible with funding through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Energy Resources (ENR). Through a range of activities—including policy workshops, commissioned research, and year-long fellowship opportunities for rising leaders from the region—this initiative engages high-level stakeholders from government, business, and the research community to craft market-based recommendations for public policy on energy security and access in the Indo-Pacific.