
Audrey Mossberger
Senior Director, Events and Development
[email protected]

Roundtable with Former President Tsai Ing-wen

On July 22, 2024, the National Bureau of Asian Research convened a special Chairman’s Council roundtable discussion with Tsai Ing-wen, former President of Taiwan.

President Tsai provided remarks outlining the challenges Taiwan faced over her eight years in office and the progress her administration made in strengthening Taiwan’s economy, defense capabilities, and partnerships with likeminded countries. Following her remarks, NBR President Michael Wills moderated an off-the-record discussion on Taiwanese and Indo-Pacific security, technology, and political topics.

NBR’s Chairman’s Council is an exclusive forum for select supporters to engage in a high-trust setting with other business and policy leaders focused on Asia. Chairman’s Council members support NBR’s nonpartisan, above-the-fray approach to informing U.S. policy toward Asia.

Tsai Ing-wen and Michael Wills