Japan Studies Research Fellowship

Applications are currently closed

The U.S.-Japan relationship is critically important in preserving a free and open Indo-Pacific, and the challenges both countries face require serious consideration and a deeper understanding on the part of scholars and policymakers alike. To address these needs, NBR has established the Japan Studies Research Fellowship to cultivate a new generation of U.S.-Japan specialists and leaders and to build stronger bridges between the United States and Japan. Fellows will explore how the U.S.-Japan relationship must evolve to meet the demands of today, gain a broad understanding of the geopolitical shifts within the Indo-Pacific, and apply their expanded knowledge within a cutting-edge, policy-oriented environment.

The program consists of an intensive, summer-long research and professional development program designed for current undergraduate, community college, and graduate students who are interested in or focus on Japan studies, U.S.-Japan relations, and/or Japanese foreign policy.

Individuals who identify as a racial or ethnic minority are particularly encouraged to apply.

Fellows spend a summer as junior fellows-in-residence at NBR’s Seattle office, work alongside research teams, participate in professional development workshops, and receive guidance from NBR editors on a research topic of their choosing.

The Japan Studies Research Fellowship has been made possible through a generous grant from the Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission.

If you have any questions about this opportunity, please contact [email protected].

Mount Fuji