Strategic Asia by the Numbers 2003-04

Strategic Asia by the Numbers 2003-04

September 1, 2003

These pages contain tables and figures generated from NBR’s Strategic Asia database and its sources. The data contained herein provide insights into the economic, demographic, and military trends that are reshaping the strategic environment in the Asia Pacific.

These pages contain tables and figures generated from NBR’s Strategic Asia database and its sources. The data contained herein provide insights into the economic, demographic, and military trends that are reshaping the strategic environment in the Asia Pacific. This appendix consists of six sections devoted to the following indicators: economic growth, globalization and trade, foreign direct investment, population growth, energy consumption, defense (including defense expenditures), military capabilities, and weapons of mass destruction. Each section shows data for the top 15 countries in Northeast, Southeast, South, and Central Asia by a relevant measure (e.g., size of the economy, total value of exports, population, etc.), as well as that same data for Australia, Russia, and the United States.

Strategic Asia

The Strategic Asia annual edited volume incorporates assessments of economic, political, and military trends and focuses on the strategies that drive policy in the region. Learn more about Strategic Asia.