Clean EDGE Asia
A Vision for Energy Sector Development in the Indo-Pacific
Developing options to meet Asia’s booming demand for energy is essential to sustaining economic growth and improving the standard of living in a region where 700 million people still lack access to reliable, modern forms of electricity. Yet the ways in which countries might seek to satisfy energy demand can also introduce new policy challenges.
The U.S. Department of State’s Clean EDGE Asia (Enhancing Development and Growth through Energy) initiative, the Japan-U.S. Mekong Power Partnership, and other regional and international efforts seek to address these challenges by strengthening the region’s capacity for technical, financial, legal, environmental, and energy market development as rapidly as possible.
NBR’s project on Clean EDGE Asia is made possible with funding through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Energy Resources (ENR). Through a range of activities—including policy workshops, commissioned research, and year-long fellowship opportunities for rising leaders from the region—this initiative engages high-level stakeholders from government, business, and the research community to craft market-based recommendations for public policy on energy security and access in the Indo-Pacific.
Learn more about the U.S. State Department’s Clean EDGE Asia initiative.

The Potential of Hydrogen for Decarbonizing Iron and Steel Production in Vietnam
Energy Transitions and Equitable Development in Southeast Asia

Partnerships for a Just Energy Transition: Challenges and Strategies in Southeast Asia

The Evolving Story of Hydrogen in India and Opportunities for Global Cooperation

A Cleaner Australia-U.S. Alliance: Ensuring That Post-IRA Cooperation Outranks Competition
Clean EDGE Asia Workshop: Climate and Energy Security: Intersections in Developing Asia
Clean EDGE Asia Conference: Assessing Renewable Energy in South Asia
Clean EDGE Asia Conference: Opportunities for Innovation: Ensuring Equitable Energy Development in the Indo-Pacific
2021 Clean EDGE Asia Workshop

Securing the Mekong Subregion’s Future through Transitioning to Renewable Energy

The Governance of the TAPI Pipeline: Political, Social, and Environmental Challenges
Pathways to Energy Security in the Indo-Pacific: Building Sustainable Energy Transitions